One of the constants of music through the ages is that it often mixes well across cultures – even if you had never thought it would be possible in some cases. One excellent example is Batzorig Vaanchig & Auļi. This collaboration has only produced on e song so far, describes as “throat singing from Mongolia & Bagpipe and Drum music from Latvia.” There is also a horsehead fiddle from Mongolia as well as a Chapman Stick on the Latvia side, but I guess that didn’t really fit well in the description. Also, there are about 5-6 bagpipe players (assuming these are dūdas) and a good 3 or so different types of drummers, so you end up with a very rich and textured sound.
The main band apparently is Auļi: “The Latvian bagpipe and drum music group “Auļi” was founded in 2003. The group that consists of six bagpipers, three drummers and one bass player, creates unique sounds by mixing ancient and modern elements.” They are apparently doing a very interesting project called “Voices of the Ancestors”: “‘Voices of the Ancestors’ is a new concert programme by the drum and bagpipe group Auļi in collaboration with musicians from various countries around the world. Auļi have travelled far and wide to meet singers representing ancient and unusual singing traditions and techniques.”
Batzorig Vaanchig is a well-known and respected Mongolian Throat Singer. He is also the one credited with the lyrics and music for “Hunnu Guren” – the first “Voices of the Ancestors” song. They also created a very sweeping, majestic, and excellent music video for the song: